
Gibson (Edmund)

  • 1669–1748
  • bishops, clergy, antiquarians
  • (agents)
British clergyman and antiquary, who became bishop of Lincoln (in 1716) and London (in 1723). He produced an English translation of William Camden’s Britannia (1695) which included much additional material, with help from other scholars, such as Edward Lhuyd.
Camden, William, Camden’s Britannia: newly translated into English, with large additions and improvements, tr. Edmund Gibson, 1st ed., London: F. Collins, 1695.
Early English Books Onine – Transcription: <link>
Tenison, Thomas, William Dugdale, and Edmund Gibson, Librorum manuscriptorum in duabus insignibus bibliothecis altera Tenisoniana, Londini; altera Dugdaliana, Oxonii; catalogus; edidit E. G., Oxford, 1692.

See also: Lhuyd (Edward)
Lhuyd (Edward)
(d. 1709)
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